Thursday, June 3, 2010

Start Spreading the News...

So. Here I am, in New York city.

Dear God I love this place. I got up long before the sun this morning in order to shower and dress and make sure that all was packed and prepared for my first trip to NYC. My journey to airport via the MARTA system was uneventful. Unless you count having to listen to a woman who had the most manly three-pack-a-day voice I've ever heard as eventful, that is.

Once at Hartsfield-Jackson Airport, things went smoothly for the most part. Apparently, my hair gel is considered a deadly weapon. It was confiscated along with my toothpaste and my shaving gel. Really, Atlanta? I mean, really?

The only other complication that I will note is that Spirit Airlines fails to print the concourse and gate number on your boarding pass so finding your flight can be an adventure. As you can see... I was more than up for the challenge.

The rest of the trip was great. I was lucky enough to be seated next to a nice gentleman who was able to hold an intelligent conversation with me and with who I had a bit in common. Its always a pleasure when you get to sit next to someone who isn't obnoxious or suffers fits of involuntary bodily functions. I count lugies and spontaneous gassy-ness among these.

Once I landed, I de-boarded the plane, collected my bag, and called a taxi to take me to my hotel; The Marriott Marquis on Time Square. Yes, you have my permission to drool and rant with jealousy. You may do so now.

I met my friend, Michael, at the hotel and after getting settled into the room I went out for a bit of exploring.

I went down into times square just to soak up the reality that I was standing in the middle of Manhattan. There was such an energy coming from the place and the people that inhabit it. I was inspired. I watched the people come and go. Even the pigeons seemed to know that they had just as much right to be there as I did.

The lights and sounds were near overwhelming but I soaked them up like a sponge to water. I was in heaven. Truly, I was.

After Michael finished his bit of business we went to dinner and then walked around Hell's Kitchen until we ended at Smith's Bar and Grill where we enjoyed a couple of pints. As we sat there, people-watching, I noted the diversity of the people here in the city and I fell more in love with the place. It was magic and I'm afraid that my words cannot do it the justice that it deserves. All, I can say for certainty, is that NYC feels like a place where I can belong and be happy.

I want to apologize ahead of time for the shortness and randomness of this post. Perhaps we had a few pints more than I thought.


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