Monday, April 26, 2010

The Ice( Iron )man cometh...

It never ceases to amaze me at what you can find when you're walking around aimlessly at a festival that has everything from Top Hats to a guy hawking his mother's antique jewelry.


That's right kids. That IS an Ironman ice-cream bar. And I got it from an ice-cream truck. With the jingly jingly music and everything. My inner comic book nerd and eight year old self just giggled and bounced in their seats with joy... again.

I got the chance to spend the day with an awesome new friend yesterday who, surprisingly, is just as geeky as I am. While we sat chatting she announced that she had an irresistible urge for carnival food ( who doesn't?! ) so we strolled down to the Inman Park Festival to grab some funnel cake. What was intended as a quick trip for deep fried battery goodness turned into a day long adventure in which the two of us darted about like chipmunks dosed with copious amounts of sugar, looking at every shiny object that caught our attention.

After indulging our ADHD for a few hours we decided that it was time to retire and find real food. On the way to our chosen eatery I heard the tell tale sound that there was a man in a van handing out sweets to kids... legally. We came upon the ice-cream truck and after shouting excitedly so that the other people on the street averted their eyes and walked quickly in the other direction, my eye was drawn to a picture of the Ironman ice-cream bar. I was transfixed. It was a thing of beauty; bright red and yellow ice-cream that I knew, KNEW!, would be awesome!

Perhaps my partner in crime saw the look of childlike wonder on my face; perhaps it was the doofy ear to ear smile. Whatever it was, the next I knew she was presenting me with my very own iced Ironman head on a stick. A treat which I happily shared after capturing the above picture.

The lesson here kids? Nostalgia and nerdiness tastes like a two dollar novelty ice-cream. Indulge.



Unknown said...

mmm ice cream. It took me awhile to get past the fact that ice cream was involved. mmm ice cream.

Sorry. There I go again. Anyway, I totally get where you're coming from. Nothing quite like food to throw you back into your childhood. And what's cooler than Ironman's head on a stick?!?! Nothing!

Dr. Heckle said...

Superhero ice cream bars are pretty awesome.

What's better than that?

Eating them while wearing matching superhero underwear...

D said...

@ Dr. Heckle... I totally agree. That's why I was wearing my Mark VI Underoos at the time.

JustKate said...

That is the coolest picture ever.